Science for Progress

because science is fundamental in the 21st century

SfProcur curator July 16-21, Bart Geurten – @BartGeurten

Dr. Bart Geurten is a neuroscientist working as staff researcher at Göttingen University, Germany. There he learned how to work with genetic tools in the fruit fly. He is also co-host of the Science for Societal Progress podcast.

During his week as curator on @sfprocur, Bart will write about live as a postdoc, career and family issues.


Bart was raised in South-East-Asia and came to Germany during elementary school. He studied in Cologne, did his Diploma thesis in Adelaide (Australia), and then did a PhD in Bielefeld. As a PhD student and as a postdoc, Bart took a total of two years of parental leave for his first two kids.

about Dennis Eckmeier

Dennis founded Science for Progress. He received a PhD in neuroscience in 2010 in Germany. Until 2018 he worked as a postdoc in the USA, and Portugal. In 2017 he co-organized the March for Science in Lisbon, Portugal. Dennis is currently a freelancer.